

LilyPond - Awesome free(!) sheet music engraver software with a focus on legibility and preservation of classic hand-engraving aesthetics; I use this for all of the sheet music examples on this site.

SNESAmp - SPC player I use to listen and transcribe SNES music (and you can find that at Allows for channel muting (very useful), adjusting the tempo (also very useful), and I always think of a third thing when I'm listing stuff.

Related Sites

Cruise Elroy - Though not its only focal point, it has quite a few insightful VGM analysis posts. Quality stuff.

8-bit Analysis -  I haven't read through all of it, but a very serious-minded attempt to break open classic video game scores. Mainly focused on the NES era. Definitely worth a read.

Telebunny - Anatomy of a Game - Not focused on music at all really, but very inspirational breakdowns of video game design on many beloved classics. Demonstrates the power of deep, thorough analysis.

VGJunk - Hilarious write-ups of (mostly) bad, or merely bland games I've never heard of; often the kind of games you'd walk by in an arcade on your way to something else. Has a penchant of finding the occasional great VGM in his adventures.

Personal Links

I write VGM-inspired music from time to time under the name of fluidvolt, you can find me on bandcamp, youtube, or soundcloud.

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